About Us
Mission Statement
Members of the Elmira Kennel Club agree to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit to themselves, their breed (s) and the Elmira Kennel Club. They will exhibit good sportsmanship in relationships with club members, AKC employees, show officials, judges, spectators and fellow exhibitors. They will abide by the Elmira Kennel Club's By-Laws and the American Kennel Club's published Rules and Regulations.
Groups of dog owners joined together as early as the late 1800's to exhibit their dogs in Elmira area events - they called themselves the "Elmira Kennel club". Official organizational meetings to form the Elmira Kennel Club though were not held until 1959. By October, 1959 the club had organized and held its first officially recognized Match. The first President of the club was Mr. Dewitt Daley.
On 12/11/62 the club was incorporated under the name The Elmira Kennel Club, Inc.
The club held it's first AKC Point Show on 8/18/63 at Parker Field. The club has hosted AKC Point Shows continuously for the past 47 years. Some of the different locations that the club has used were: Dunn Field, Cold Brook Club, Notre Dame High School, Murray Athletic Center - Domes, Chemung County Fair Grounds, the Binghamton Arena and for the last 23 years it has been part of the 4 day Wine Country Circuit, held at the beautiful Sampson State Park in Romulus, NY.
During the years starting in 1978 thru June of 1986 the club hosted 2 Shows Annually in June & December. The December 1986 show was changed to September and thus started the Wine Country Circuit.
The club currently offers Conformation Handling Class, open to the public to train people how to show their dogs.
Monthly meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Horseheads, NY. The club is open to the public and new members are always welcome.